Day 15, Forgotten Frugal February Day

Apparently yesterday I lost my mind because I completely forgot to write anything. Plum fell off the face of the earth. It was also the second day Nick was gone and I'm always my must tired after the first night of him being gone.

All that to say, forgive me.

I also had a really hard day yesterday and kind of fell off the frugal wagon. Not bad but I definitely bought things we didn't need.

I went to Costco (again) because I had forgotten whipped cream and their whipped cream is in a bigger can and cheaper than other stores which makes no sense to me but that's the way it is. I found a couple items of clothing that the kids had needed but didn't have to have. I got them because they were great deals.

I went to Aldi and did fine. I questioned if I should count the purchases as grocery items because I was buying produce for Emma's bunny. In the end I decided to count it because it's in the fridge and I'm sure I'll use some of it in dinners and things.

I then went to pet smart. Emma's bunny needed hay (a need) but the valentine's day dog toy I bought was definitely not a needed item. I just couldn't help myself from buying the $4.97 toy.

I've learned things about myself this month. I've learned that when I'm bored I like to shop. I'm working on that. And I've learned that when I'm lonely (Nick being gone), buying things for people I love helps me to feel not so lonely. I haven't unpacked that one thoroughly but I'm working on it.

I’ve also learned that I really thrive around beauty and cannot work just anywhere. I tried the other day to work at a Panera and realized I was dreading going there because the last time I had been there it was dirty, they didn’t have the fireplace on, etc, etc. So I went to the library instead. There is this room there that makes my heart so happy. It is a designated quiet area and it is so serene and peaceful to me. I got so much done.

Have you been learning about yourself, too?

  • $373.76 remaining

  • $263.81

    -$5.49 Costco

    -14.69 Aldi

    =$243.63 remaining

I am going to get back on track with these posts! Leaving you with a cute photo of our girl who is starting to feel better and it's thankful for your prayers!



Targeting in on Frugal February, Day 16


Happy Frugal Valentine’s Day!, Frugal February Day 14